2021 is the Year of Home Business !

Most have heard, ” Bigger is Better“.      However, there are times when small is even “more” better !!

Yes, in the business world large companies can accomplish large projects, and complete grand scale production. But at what cost. If you are but a cog in that wheel, then the outcome of your work is being used to accomplish someone else’s goals. This may or not be best for your future… or your family.

While not for everyone, a small business venture can provide you with a very good income, and still give you the flexibility for enjoy long weekends or time with your family. You may not be able to build a 100 story office building, but you can build a financial security where you can’t get fired “at a moments” notice as has happened in many of the corporate world.

For me, I have always been self employed. Growing up on a small farm, I worked hard to take care of the planting, harvest and farm animals. No boss, no 8-5 schedule. As soon as my task was handled, I was off to go fishing, hunting or play with motor bikes or cars !    I could not understand why my friends would take “jobs” at McDonald’s or Walmart. They hated to go to work and complained every time I saw them ( and they were mostly broke too) .    I, however, looked forward to getting my work completed. Enjoy working as I seen fit, and having free time … and cash to use on my “play time”.

The internet has allowed a new freedom, as location is no longer a need. No matter what your skills or interests are, there is a way to monetize and create a steady cash flow.

Slowly, over the years most of my friends made the leap to being self employed….and we joke about it as we travel to Vegas, or head out to a favorite fishing spot.

If you have a desire to have control of your time and make a financial goal you can rely on, please let me know .

Comments are appreciated !!

Fun in the Cozumel Sun !!

Over the past decade I have been to Cozumel several times. This tiny island is a treat for me as I can spend time in the water, under the water and still enjoy the hotel and restaurants without the huge influx of tourists…. such as Cancun. Yes, Cancun is great. Music, Food, Beach……. but you are sharing the area with thousands of others.

Cozumel allows a quieter experience with all of the necessary amenities. Sailing, scuba, scooter rides around the island, submarine excursions, jet skis……. and a restful restaurant in the city to end the day.

One of the many activities that appeals to me is scuba diving the local coral reefs. A short catamaran jaunt and you can visit a new location each day. So much marine life to observe, and with a local guide you are sure to see any variety that you are seeking and explore aircraft/ship wrecks along the way.

Having my own business allows me the ability to travel often. Many of the Caribbean islands are favorites – each having it’s own appeal. I have met so many nice people while traveling, but they are limited to a trip every few years as their income is limited or not able to take time off from work when they would like to. I have been able to help the situation by showing them how to become self-employed and have that financial freedom and choose their own work hours.

Even if you have a “high paying job”…… companies can cut back or file for bankruptcy and all your experience is for naught. Just another unemployed with stress and headaches….

This is NOT fair, but no one said life is fair. But not only you suffer, your family does too. And this can affect your future as well. Health care, school expenses and list goes on and on.

However, you can change this. Only you can may the make your future. Never rely on the maybes offered by the big corporations.

By becoming a self-employed person, you can focus on yourself. All of the profits are yours, not just a small hourly wage and the corporation keeps the profits.

The “internet” has made it possible to become financially independent far easier. When I started working, I was self-employed from age 10 and on !! Yard work, home maintenance, etc. Once I had learned enough, I then spent years providing business and investment planning individuals and small businesses.

With the advent of the internet, you now have customers throughout the world…. not just in your community. But, as most people learn, opening and operating a business does take some training and dedication.

And yes, I can help !! I have helped hundreds become millionaires over the past years. I enjoy helping others and seeing them happy. No I do not need to line my own pockets. I truly enjoy seeing a person grow and gain confidence !!

Whatever business you want to focus on, sales or services, basic internet is a must. The easiest way is to use some training that I have found to be extremely helpful.


Please check out my website, then contact me and we can get you on the road to financial happiness…..not a week to week worry !!  http://www.pfsfinancial@mail.com

June Wine Tasting and Summer Food

Summer events are happening nearly every day now. takes a bit of research to locate some, but worth the effort.

Some are restaurants, but many are local functions. Fund raisers or local traditions. All provide a variety of meals that offer great varieties. Sample all and still enjoy the wine or beer to your liking !!!

From chili cook offs, short ribs, pork roast, and barbecues…all prepared in a manner of a multi-star ….each bite was welcomed with the need for another taste!

I will be visiting some friends in Texas later this month. We always try to find a venue each afternoon or evening…. fun, sun and great food. No wonder that Texans rarely leave the state….

Oregon Wine Tasting

Well, there is a heading that I did not expect to write. I do enjoy small vineyards and try to find wines form unexpected sources, but until I spent some time in Oregon I was unaware of the particular conditions to create very good wines.

There are over 500 wineries, yes some are small, but not to be overlooked. The warm summers and volcanic soil is very similar to that of the greek islands.

Cabernets, pinor and muscat vintages are distinct and full flavour. Crisp fruit and robust body allows the wine to go well with seafood or steak equally. Enhancing your meal and your attitude at the same time.

With summer slowly arriving, Oregon would be a good choice for a long weekend, or extended stay if you schedule allows. I was also able to try a few rivers, but will return as there are an abundance of fish that need to be challenged !!

Fine Wine and 5 Star Dining

Wine Tasting and Fine Dining

Last evening I was fortunate to attend a gourmet tasting, and wines as well ! I so enjoy when the evening is arranged to enjoy both. And, of course, a group of people that enjoy as well.

Nine restaurants provided a variety of meals that were wonderful. All in small portions, of course, so one could sample all and still enjoy the wine parings !!!

From sushi, short ribs, pork roast, shrimp, fish tacos…all prepared in a manner of a multi-star chef….each bite was welcomed with the need for another taste!

Several wines were presented, but one from the Columbia region in Washington stood out, and one from Spain. Price would range from $10-15. Good wines are NOT a function of price. Only the marketers trying to entice. I believe in quality…not price.

The Columbia Winery provides a smooth, red wine that has great body and flavor. This will complement your meals, whether hamburgers or prime rib. Don’t spend $50 on similar wines and focus on a nice cheese cake for desert.

The Spanish wine which was provided was from the Marques DE Caceres group. This too was a red, but a slightly heavier body. With a black berry/fruity balance that was smooth and complete. I would gladly serve that to any of my quests….

Boldly Go Where Others Fear

Ten Years without a “BOSS”.   The freedom it gives me, to set my own schedule and work on my own terms. It has allowed me to not only spend time with my family but to travel and enjoy each day. Having No Boss or Job is Priceless !!!
I run a few different sites. On my online marketing and consulting are the core, with a couple of websites I make money on which I call my “fun money” as these I look at as “hobbies” and do not use for my financial security needs.
1. Bring The Best Traffic You Can
To get the best visitors and conversion rates, finding customers using SEO that gets you the best ranking in Google, Bing and other search engines. Any traffic that comes to your website is already an opportunity seeker…. not random clicks. So much of the web traffic is inundated with thousands of undesired content. Click bank and other sources try to tell you that 1/10 of 1% is an acceptable conversion rate. Not true. If a potential customer is brought to your site by a self-initiated search, then your probability of conversion can be 10%, 20% or even higher.
Patience is the main stay. Honing and testing search engine words is the only way to determine the best way to find the rankings that will bring good traffic.
2. Consistency Pays off
Some people treat their website or blog as a hobby. Updating infrequently, or when the mood hits them. I have no problem with that, but they will also have little right to expect growth and income.
However, if you truly want to grow a financial stream or have a huge following, YOU need to focus. I started updating my blogs and website two time a week. Set an actual schedule. The rest of my time was spent researching and finding new ways to use the internet tools to monitor and make my search ranking higher and higher. After only a few weeks my use and ease of updating the websites became second nature, therefore I could now focus on four to five articles weekly and built from there. This method of building traffic does take time but if you stay consistent and patient, your rankings will increase and quality traffic improve.

3. Lists and Informative Catch Phrases Work

Using search engine viable headings and tag wording is a must. There are so many websites, millions, you have to tailor your wording to allow the search engine to find you when a prospective customer is entering their question to the search engine. If you search for “cars” you will be told there are millions of web pages… toy cars, train cars, autos etc etc etc.
Then you must set up your tag lines and website to be specific as well. Generic wording will not allow you website to be ranked high in general searches. Instead of using “home business”, you can get more attention by stressing “Top Ten Ways to Make Money From Home”.

Posts like “Top 10…”, “The 5 Best…” “How to…” “A Guide to…” “Information on…” will create a sense of confidence that the website you are providing will truly help the customer to check your ways of getting their project done.

4. Review Conversion Results
Once your “list” blog or website generates a contact, the viewer will then see your details as to the information they seek. In doing so, you now have a verified interested visitor, so you need to make sure your detailed content is designed to convince them of your knowledge and integrity.
Conversion rates are the best measure. Anything over 10% is good, shows you are explaining your abilities in a viable way. If you are not converting, then re-word and re-design until the numbers are where you wish.

5. Good Content Is A Must

Garbage in — Garbage out. It is an old saying, but very true. If you don’t take the effort to create and have good content in your blog or website, then any visitor will flee in a few seconds time. However, if you truly are adding knowledge and effort, a visitor with acknowledge by spending time reading your full content.
“Average time on page” is a good way to understand the dynamic. If the average is under 30 seconds, then there is limited chance the visitor is interested. If the average time is minutes … obviously something has gained their attention and you will benefit by higher conversion rates.

6. Outsourcing Can Save Time

When you are adding information to your blog or website often, you can supplement your web material by purchasing documents or materials from other people. Some my have expertise in areas you are not was well versed, others have a perspective that you may not have been exposed to.
This step helps you in two ways. Adds more depth of knowledge to your web page, and saves you time that it may have taken to research and assemble.

a)  Be clear with what you want from the writer.
b)  Use quality niche experts.
c)  The first writer you find may not be the best for your needs. .
d)  Some writers have existing materials you can use, others can be given specific instructions for the type of content you are seeking.

Your content or the content you acquire is important as to your web page ranking. Traffic and conversion is your objective. Any steps you find to improve conversions should be noted and expanded upon.

7. Make Money with Amazon

Amazon and other retail web sources offer affiliate programs where you can tag onto their site and utilize the traffic as a way to locate new visitors and customers for your product. The variable are numerous, so again you will need to see which fits better with the niche you are trying to achieve.

8. Test Different Affiliate Programs

Affiliate programs are a large part of the internet based businesses. Sales is the highest paid employment you can find, but least understood by most marketing staff. Sales is a skill, not taught in schools. The best sales people have learned by experience, unfortunately, as this took them years to get proficient. If only they knew early in their career, the financial outcome would be have greater and more free time as they could have used the days more effectively. If you pursue the affiliate marketing, you have thousands of products to choose from and unlimited income potential if you work smartly.
9. Patience Pays off
When starting out it can be highly frustrating to not see the wanted results. This is normal, try not get dismayed. So many people get frustrated, even quit if the results are not bringing in buckets of cash. Don’t do that with online marketing. Sales is a “learned” talent. Yes, there are people that are born with the sales instincts, but too many of them do not make the best of their talent. A great ball player may never make it to the majors as they sit on the couch waiting for a phone call. In reality, we need to get out and make out talents better and better… only this will bring in the goals we are seeking.
Be patient, it really does pay off.
10. Believe in Yourself… Don’t Quit
If you are new and just starting out, make a commitment to give this an honest go.

( writing this out on a list and time line will help to give you a basis, a focus, that you are serious)
Something brought you here, you are here for a reason, it is part of your journey.
Goals are not always monetary. However, a new source of income gives you choices. Helping family, giving to charitable needs, etc… funds will make those goals a possibility.

Red Wines…. How to find what taste suits you ?

Yes, there are dozens and dozens of “experts” who will gladly tell you which is best and what YOU need to drink… or pay hundreds of dollars for. But these are not who you should listen to.    What is needed is your taste.       Yes, YOU.      You are the “only expert” that really matters.

Just as in food, some will tell you that kale is the best, or asparagus, or broccoli… again. Only you can know what you like.

Wine is basically grape juice. Fermented and bottled.    Sometimes modified with peach, pepper, chocolate and a whole series of mystery fruits    ( mostly to mask the poor grapes grown), but basically grape juice.

Therefor this entire wine industry must find ways to confuse customers to allow their product to fit into a niche and get your business.       But bottle for bottle…. really is a minimal difference.      You are buying the bottle and the mystic…. but most wines are similar ( and good ).

I have been able to try many varieties. From Europe to California, Chile to Australia…. and enjoyed them all !! From $2 per bottle to $5,000 per bottle…. honestly, each has its own qualities.

The expensive wines had more “history”, therefore had a different provenance as I drank, which gave reverence to those who had harvested and bottled the wine. Such as a Spanish wine from the 1940’s… the history alone was so impressive, and now 70 years later it had been kept in an environment to allow the wine to still be drinkable !

But in contrast, a 2 year old Merlot wine from California was indeed still a very good wine. Full of flavor and robust….. but cost me $4. Who can tell you that you did not enjoy that wine on that day…. an expert ?

No, no expert should be your decision maker. Just a watching a new movie, you can look to see what the critics thought, but until you watch the movie yourself you cannot be sure. No one likes to waste money, so do some research and see what appears to fit your needs, but you are the only person to know if the wine makes your meal complete !!

Enjoy and live every day fully ………………

Spring is a time of renewal !!


Just spent the morning outside… errands, yes, but Spring !!

This provides us the time to enjoy and accept that all is good, even though we each have out individual tasks to confront.

My “work” allows me to make good use of the weather and my hours, so I do feel bad that others are restricted by a boss and schedule. I can work a few hours in the morning or late afternoon, but so nice to soak up the sun and fun during the play time !!

Luckily, I have friends that share the flexibility to enjoy the time. If you want such benefits, let me know. I can help you do the “great” work you already do, but on your own terms….

Let me know…..

Rise and Fall of Journalism

The past several years have been a sad decline in the USA media services. Reporting, Journalism, and various talk shows have created an environment of disgusting fake and biased news to the point where nothing can be accepted unless you are able to verify from a dozen “reliable” sources.

Just today, I once again heard the journalist claim that a notable fact was heard from “several reliable sources”. This, of course, is fiction. The “reliable” sources were 2 other ignorant journalist sitting in a sleazy bar somewhere.

What happened to “Reporters”. These past persons would seek out facts and talk to the people who actually had first hand knowledge of the item of news at hand. Now, the reporting means getting any trash talk possible into the media cycle regardless of any facts.

Journalists have taken the process even further down the sewer. Journalism is now a “soap box” to set off their personal stupidity or biased opinions in the hope that other media will further proliferate their sick ideas and force the mainstream public to be accidentally inflicted.

What is incredibly sad is that the “media” in general has become a proponent of socialism. Free everything and all bad is someone else’s fault. Poor thing, the public is to be soooo sad because his upbringing brought the person to kill hundreds of others in some school shooting… WRONG. Those kids did nothing to deserve to be killed by an idiot.

As to socialism.. the last major election in USA focused on one party wanting to give free schooling, free health care, free housing , free child care….. there is NO SUCH thing as free ! That means someone else is paying for your wants.

Therefore if you were to work hard and earn $1,000 this week… would you then give $900 to the government who knows how to better spend your earnings ? That leaves you with $100 to take care of your family, but you are to be happy knowing you are helping others to eat, sleep, watch TV, full health care … and not work ?

The only way Socialism can work is if the government owns everything. Government manufacturing, supply, sales companies, hospitals. Then, each of us can work and not worry right ? But if you make a dollar an hour, how diligent will you be? Your neighbor decides not to work but is awarded the same benefits ….. this cannot prevail.

I really hope USA citizens realize the futility…. and focus on making our country great. Do not be fooled by the losers running for office… focus on the people that want our country to be strong and allow people to work hard and prosper…

2019 is the year of Small Business


I am sure you have heard, ” Bigger is Better“.      However, there are times when small is even “more” better !!

Yes, in the business world large companies can accomplish large projects, and complete grand scale production. But at what cost. If you are but a cog in that wheel, then the outcome of your work is being used to accomplish someone else’s goals. This may or not be best for your future… or your family.

While not for everyone, a small business venture can provide you with a very good income, and still give you the flexibility for enjoy long weekends or time with your family. You may not be able to build a 100 story office building, but you can build a financial security where you can’t get fired “at a moments” notice as has happened in many of the corporate world.

For me, I have always been self employed. Growing up on a small farm, I worked hard to take care of the planting, harvest and farm animals. No boss, no 8-5 schedule. As soon as my task was handled, I was off to go fishing, hunting or play with motor bikes or cars !    I could not understand why my friends would take “jobs” at McDonald’s or Walmart. They hated to go to work and complained every time I saw them ( and they were mostly broke too) .    I, however, looked forward to getting my work completed. Enjoyed working as I seen fit, and having free time … and cash … to use on my “play time”.

Slowly, over the years most of my friends made the leap to being self employed….and we joke about it as we travel to Vegas, or head out to a favorite fishing spot.

If you have a desire to have control of your time and make a financial goal you can rely on, please let me know . Any comments would be appreciated !!